July 21, 2008

Linux For Your iPod

I was digging through my bookmarks, and I found a old one that I found really useful. Before I throw it up here, I'll bore you a little with some personal history, tho.

About a year ago I went on a open-source kick, where I was switching everything to open a open source alternative. I was duel booting
Linux, all my programs where open source, and I even tried to code a new operating system for my phone. While on the kick, I found a cool site to get a new OS for your MP3 player. It's called Rockbox, and it is an awesome way to bring some life to an old player that you may not use anymore.

Basically, its a open alternative to the Apple OS. It allows you to get any program you want on your iPod. For instance, I installed Doom, Tetris, and a few visualizations to watch while playing my music. Be warned though, the iPod can get hot after awhile of playing around with the programs. The nice thing is that you can always just switch back to the old OS if you don't like the new one (I frequently switch back and forth on a whim with out ever having any problems, like having to re-add music). And, as always, I assume no responsibility for what may happen to your MP3 player. Check the link for excellent walk-throughs and downloads.


Also, I know this looks like a sold out, but rest assured, I didn't. I just really like this site.

-NOTE- I apologize for the small font. Blogger is acting homo.

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