July 30, 2008

Dodge_Orange_B1 Released

Yep, thats not a typo. I finally did it. It took a while, but I finally got my act together and finished the map, although it is just a beta. Today I had a few people test it out, just who ever was online at the time. I will be doing another beta test, I just haven't picked a time. The thing is, I probably won't announce a time, I'll just do it when ever I feel like it. Mostly because I am almost never able to get on at the time I pick, ironically. So if you want, leave a request in comments and I'll send out a invite when I am doing it. It should be some time soon.

Also, I've been playing with Wordpress. Its okay, but it has its flaws. For one, I'm having a big problem with arranging text a pictures. It likes to bunch them all in the same spot making it almost imposable to read. In the last post, I said that it let people import from other blogs, the problem is that every post requires at least some work to get it right again. Only one video showed up, and I just explained what happened to photos. So it will probably be something I'll dabble with for a little while, and if something pops up that I really like, I may switch. But for now, I'm sticking with Blogger.

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