December 22, 2008

Trippiest Game Ever

This game is like Tron on acid. Now, it is an actual game that requires a download, but it is worth it. Trust me.

December 18, 2008

I Got Nothin'...

...So here's a video of a animal falling asleep. Because deep down, we both know this is way more interesting then anything you're doing right now.

December 14, 2008

Flail Post

So this is basically a spin off of the previous post, but just a little more in depth. Here I will focus mostly on the history of Fail. First, let me explain to you what exactly "Fail" is.

And here are the links mentioned in the video.

Fail Blog

Shipment of Fail

Fail Dogs (a very apparent knock-off of ICanHasCheezeburgur Cats)

Or if that's too much clicking for you, just watch this.

To tell you the truth, I probably could of just added this to the end of the last post. Nah, copying and pasting is way too much work. In fact, I'm surprised I even finished this senten

2008 Internet Awards

It's not official, but it's a cool list. I did notice that they left me off. Just wait, next year.

Graphical Representation of Immigrant

We sure are a colorful bunch.


We're a little behind.

December 12, 2008


Because against popular belief, I do have a heart.


December 10, 2008

Toy's in Action

Because pop culture and Lego's are the best duo since PB&J.


This is just for my own use, so you can ignore this: Post count -- 2333 hits.


I have a sneaking supposition I've already posted this before, but after several minutes of looking, I think I'm good to post.

Here are popular characters that have been drawn in the Simpsons art style (although most seem to be superheroes of some sorts). Here are a few of my favorites:

Merry Christmas, Mother Nature Version

This is what you get when you combine Planet Earth and weed.

Also, I don't know if anyone else is having this problem, but embedded YouTube videos are taking forever to load. If this is happening to you, just give it a few minutes, and you should be good to go.

I'm Back

Alright, so it has been several months since I have last but my tiny splotch of garbage posts on the interwebs, and I apologize. I've had a few computer snafus along with just being lazy with the holidays. Hopefully though, I will get back into the swing of things and post much more regularly. To make up for lost time, here are a few things to help you pick out some last minute presents to waste your time and money:

Linux Inside Stickers:
So we've all seen the "Intel Inside" or "Runs on Windows" stickers, but here is a way to truly express your nerdy-ness and computer porous to all that choose to glance at your computer palm rest. Not only are these great stocking stuffers, but it's a great way to stick it to Steve Jobs and Gatesy-Boy.


We all know that nerdy kid who just has the coolest gadgets. We've all marvaled at his amazing Star Wars USB flash drive or his Jellyfish lamp and been perplexed how he finds such amazing devices. Well, now you too can rock a LED Beltbuckle proudly with this helpful site. Enjoy.


What's that? You have all these awesome trinkets to show off, but nothing to wear? Well, step right up and feast your nude body on these fine threads. The apparel here is the perfect way to turn youself into a walking billboard of geekness.


Cotton Factory:
Unlike Jinx, this site may not have as many nerdy shirts, but it does have quite a large variety of more fashionable shirts. Also, another big plus is that many of the shirts are quite cheap, so that after you spend all your cash on usless gifts, you can treat yourself with a new Pee Wee Herman tee.

So although this post seemed like nothing but a large advertisement, rest assured that I have not sold out...yet.