April 3, 2008

Crysis Sandbox2 Level Editor

A friend talked me into getting and playing with the Crysis Sandbox2 Level Editor, and it's really nice. It's a little too complicated for me to want to use as a substitution for Hammer (and I don't think that the Sandbox2 Editor could work with the Hammer map files), but it has some really cool features that I wish Hammer had. Oh, and it's mad pretty.

The nicest feature is definitely the ability to quickly play your map without ever having to compile, which is a feature that would save a lot of time in Hammer. Its the most frustrating thing to wait for half an hour to compile a map, and find a barrel floating in the air.

Another neat thing is that the map is "alive"; moves dynamically. If you spawn crabs, you can watch them scuttle across the beach, or if you spawn people, you can see them cough or stand around awkwardly. Although its completely useless in Team Fortress 2 maps, its a neat concept (it would be useful in a Half-Life 2 map).

You can get the editor free if you download the Crysis demo.

Check out the vid for more detail.

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