March 30, 2008

First Post!

Sup Guys,

While my Internet is acting up, I decided to make a blog. Don't know if I'll stick with this (Posting and all) but we'll see. I made it a "Jester's Maps" theme, for lack of a better idea, but I think I can change it up if I want to. Plus, this will give me something to do while I combat my withdrawal from not playing Team Fortress 2 because of monster lag.

Also, it (my blog) is going to suck for awhile while I get all the kinks worked out. Ultimately, I would like to be able to upload my maps and have people download them, but, because this is a free account, I don't think Google is going to let me move huge amounts of data. So we'll see.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Again you are gay :P I fixed the problem with your lag last night. I fixed Beastie and when you get on message me so I can fix you up. The problem was on the client side. <3 - Your fearless leader Windraker :)