Alright, I finished Dodge_Orange, and I'm looking for a new map idea. Now, I was thinking about starting on that tube one I mentioned a few posts back, or remake Melee_Volcano. I haven't decided, so I'm going to let you guys. Just leave your pick in comments. Oh, and in case you can see through my pathetic attempt to get more comments in order to obtain more self confidence, your right. Good work, Sherlock.
Also, LEGO's and album art make a great combination:
July 31, 2008
July 30, 2008
Dodge_Orange_B1 Released
Yep, thats not a typo. I finally did it. It took a while, but I finally got my act together and finished the map, although it is just a beta. Today I had a few people test it out, just who ever was online at the time. I will be doing another beta test, I just haven't picked a time. The thing is, I probably won't announce a time, I'll just do it when ever I feel like it. Mostly because I am almost never able to get on at the time I pick, ironically. So if you want, leave a request in comments and I'll send out a invite when I am doing it. It should be some time soon.
Also, I've been playing with Wordpress. Its okay, but it has its flaws. For one, I'm having a big problem with arranging text a pictures. It likes to bunch them all in the same spot making it almost imposable to read. In the last post, I said that it let people import from other blogs, the problem is that every post requires at least some work to get it right again. Only one video showed up, and I just explained what happened to photos. So it will probably be something I'll dabble with for a little while, and if something pops up that I really like, I may switch. But for now, I'm sticking with Blogger.
Also, I've been playing with Wordpress. Its okay, but it has its flaws. For one, I'm having a big problem with arranging text a pictures. It likes to bunch them all in the same spot making it almost imposable to read. In the last post, I said that it let people import from other blogs, the problem is that every post requires at least some work to get it right again. Only one video showed up, and I just explained what happened to photos. So it will probably be something I'll dabble with for a little while, and if something pops up that I really like, I may switch. But for now, I'm sticking with Blogger.
I haven't really had a major problem with Blogger, but I have been looking around for a different blogging client. I have been looking closely at Wordpress, as they seem to be the best competitor/alternative. Here are some of the nice things I like about Wordpress:
1. Integrated stat tracker. Right now I'm having to use a third party one, and it just shows how many hits total.
2. More themes. I like the flexibility.
3. It has the URL I want, for the most part.
4. It doesn't seem to be that hard to switch over. I'll do some test runs before I do, just to make sure that I don't lose anything. But for the most part, it seems that all I have to do is just link to this site.
5. It just seems to have more features than Blogger. Although one thing I don't like is that Wordpress occasionally show ad's on it's users blogs.
Let me know what you think in comments, not that you really care. Oh, and I hope Blogger doesn't 'accidentally' delete my account for talking about a competitor.
1. Integrated stat tracker. Right now I'm having to use a third party one, and it just shows how many hits total.
2. More themes. I like the flexibility.
3. It has the URL I want, for the most part.
4. It doesn't seem to be that hard to switch over. I'll do some test runs before I do, just to make sure that I don't lose anything. But for the most part, it seems that all I have to do is just link to this site.
5. It just seems to have more features than Blogger. Although one thing I don't like is that Wordpress occasionally show ad's on it's users blogs.
Let me know what you think in comments, not that you really care. Oh, and I hope Blogger doesn't 'accidentally' delete my account for talking about a competitor.
July 29, 2008
Funny Pictures and Map Update
Found these pictures. Dey be funny:

Also, this doesn't make any since if you think about it:

If it permanently removes hair, like it claims, why wouldn't you just use it the first 60 days, then send it to the company and get you money back? I mean, I know it's a online ad, but still. They could of put just a little thought into it.
Also, I've been working on Dodge_Orange. Like I said before, it should be done in a little bit. I'll post pictures soon.

Also, this doesn't make any since if you think about it:
If it permanently removes hair, like it claims, why wouldn't you just use it the first 60 days, then send it to the company and get you money back? I mean, I know it's a online ad, but still. They could of put just a little thought into it.
Also, I've been working on Dodge_Orange. Like I said before, it should be done in a little bit. I'll post pictures soon.
July 28, 2008
Funny GIF Compilation
I found this on a Roman website. I love the second to last one with the panda.
Been Busy
Like the title says, I've been busy doing my own shenanigans. It's been a week since my last post, so I was feeling the squeeze of guilt. I've been working on Dodge_Orange. I've just working out the bugs and what not. It should be done sometime soon, but I'm not releasing a date just yet. Mainly, I'm having problems with players getting flung out of the map from the push triggers. It's not a big problem, it just takes time to fix.
I've also been looking at Bioshock. I didn't get it when it came out, because I had the Orange Box to entertain me. But a friend just got it, and I played a little of it and really liked it. When it first came out, I got the demo and played it, but wasn't wowed enough to plunk down $50.00. Now that the price has dropped, I might pick it up. Although once I get it, I'll feel obligated to upgrade my graphics card, and thats another $300 - $400.
Finally, I thought I would throw up a free program for waiting so patiently for this post. As like everything else, it's been out for a while, I've enjoyed it, bla bla bla...Here's the link:
Rundown: It's a free program that streams TV to your computer. And it's legal, if your into that sort of thing. Enjoy.
Oh, and I went back to the old font. The new one was giving me problems, and I was sick of spending 20 mins a post to fix them.
I've also been looking at Bioshock. I didn't get it when it came out, because I had the Orange Box to entertain me. But a friend just got it, and I played a little of it and really liked it. When it first came out, I got the demo and played it, but wasn't wowed enough to plunk down $50.00. Now that the price has dropped, I might pick it up. Although once I get it, I'll feel obligated to upgrade my graphics card, and thats another $300 - $400.
Finally, I thought I would throw up a free program for waiting so patiently for this post. As like everything else, it's been out for a while, I've enjoyed it, bla bla bla...Here's the link:
Rundown: It's a free program that streams TV to your computer. And it's legal, if your into that sort of thing. Enjoy.
Oh, and I went back to the old font. The new one was giving me problems, and I was sick of spending 20 mins a post to fix them.
July 21, 2008
Linux For Your iPod
I was digging through my bookmarks, and I found a old one that I found really useful. Before I throw it up here, I'll bore you a little with some personal history, tho.
About a year ago I went on a open-source kick, where I was switching everything to open a open source alternative. I was duel booting Linux, all my programs where open source, and I even tried to code a new operating system for my phone. While on the kick, I found a cool site to get a new OS for your MP3 player. It's called Rockbox, and it is an awesome way to bring some life to an old player that you may not use anymore.
Basically, its a open alternative to the Apple OS. It allows you to get any program you want on your iPod. For instance, I installed Doom, Tetris, and a few visualizations to watch while playing my music. Be warned though, the iPod can get hot after awhile of playing around with the programs. The nice thing is that you can always just switch back to the old OS if you don't like the new one (I frequently switch back and forth on a whim with out ever having any problems, like having to re-add music). And, as always, I assume no responsibility for what may happen to your MP3 player. Check the link for excellent walk-throughs and downloads.
Also, I know this looks like a sold out, but rest assured, I didn't. I just really like this site.
-NOTE- I apologize for the small font. Blogger is acting homo.
About a year ago I went on a open-source kick, where I was switching everything to open a open source alternative. I was duel booting Linux, all my programs where open source, and I even tried to code a new operating system for my phone. While on the kick, I found a cool site to get a new OS for your MP3 player. It's called Rockbox, and it is an awesome way to bring some life to an old player that you may not use anymore.
Basically, its a open alternative to the Apple OS. It allows you to get any program you want on your iPod. For instance, I installed Doom, Tetris, and a few visualizations to watch while playing my music. Be warned though, the iPod can get hot after awhile of playing around with the programs. The nice thing is that you can always just switch back to the old OS if you don't like the new one (I frequently switch back and forth on a whim with out ever having any problems, like having to re-add music). And, as always, I assume no responsibility for what may happen to your MP3 player. Check the link for excellent walk-throughs and downloads.
Also, I know this looks like a sold out, but rest assured, I didn't. I just really like this site.
-NOTE- I apologize for the small font. Blogger is acting homo.
July 20, 2008
July 17, 2008
Goin' Out of Town
Be back in about a little less than a week. I know it's going to be hard with out your daily amount of crappy blog posts, but you'll make it. Just open up notepad and mash your keyboard with your forehead and you should get your fix.
July 15, 2008
New Style
I've been talking about it for a while now, and I finally changed the template. I didn't do anything to radical, yet. Mainly, I just changed up the colors. Let me know what you think in comments!
I Mean It This Time
I said a while ago that I would try to get back into making maps, and it kind of fell through. Mainly, because I didn't have any time to work on them. Now, I have hopefully cleared up my schedule, and should have more time to work on my maps.
On a different note, I have been looking very closely at the new iPhone 3G. I really want to get one, but don't know if I can justify it. It would be a lot of money upfront, and a lot of money every month, and I'm just not sure that I really need it. I think I'm just swept up in all the hype that is going on right now, and in a week or two won't even care.
Of course, please me comments, even if they are just jargon. I love to hear back from my reader (Yeah, I know I put it as singular).
Also, I'm trying out a new type of font, just to liven up the place. I am also working on a new look. If you have any suggestions or comments, please let me know.
On a different note, I have been looking very closely at the new iPhone 3G. I really want to get one, but don't know if I can justify it. It would be a lot of money upfront, and a lot of money every month, and I'm just not sure that I really need it. I think I'm just swept up in all the hype that is going on right now, and in a week or two won't even care.
Of course, please me comments, even if they are just jargon. I love to hear back from my reader (Yeah, I know I put it as singular).
Also, I'm trying out a new type of font, just to liven up the place. I am also working on a new look. If you have any suggestions or comments, please let me know.
July 13, 2008
Ballon Graffiti
These are some pictures of a guy who graffiti's different places, but the twist is he only uses balloons and streamers. Check out the pic's and link.


This is crazy. I never thought magnetic fields where so awesome.
I just posted a link because the video is in a wide screen format, and it doesn't work right with my blog.
I just posted a link because the video is in a wide screen format, and it doesn't work right with my blog.
July 10, 2008
July 8, 2008
New URL Stuff
If you ever read the first post I made, I mentioned that I would probably change my URL of my blog to something a little easier to remember if I ever really kept posting. Today, I looked for a easier one. I didn't find one that I liked, but I did find some really strange blogs.
I love how the most recent post was four years ago. Oh well, I think I'll leave it the way it is just for ease of use. If I changed it, I would have to go and redo a bunch of links and garbage like that.
I love how the most recent post was four years ago. Oh well, I think I'll leave it the way it is just for ease of use. If I changed it, I would have to go and redo a bunch of links and garbage like that.
July 7, 2008
Rehab Center for Fictional Characters
I know you may of already seen this from a past post. Mainly, this is just to keep up with the one post a day quota. Oh, and its pretty freaking funny.
July 6, 2008
New Map Update
Nothing new to really say. I am starting to really work on a new map. Its that tube map. Right now, I'm just playing around to see if it is even possible. Occasionally, the map will fling the player out of the map, resulting them in getting stuck. I think I can solve the problem by just killing them if they escape.
July 3, 2008
Re-Tooled Comment Section
Okay, I never really sat down and played with all the settings until just now. Up till now, you always had to sign in to post a comment. Well I fixed it and made it so that you can just leave comments willy nilly. I still left a word prompt to stop spammers, but thats the only hoop you have to jump through. If it gets too much of a problem tho (I don't know why it would), I'll change it back.
New Maps
I haven't posted in a little while. The only really new thing is that I'm adding another map to the list. This one is going to be like a hangout for people to go and just chill. It'll probably have some custom textures, some songs, and a few other things to keep people interested, like a dance floor or something. I'll probably start on it after the tube one. Oh, and if I can get the textures compressed, after the porn map.
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