May 26, 2009
Ooo... This is Awkward...
Family's and photos. They mix like oil and water. Add a dash of poses, and you get this: a collection of awkward family portraits. It's not stellar, but it's a good way to kill a few minutes...

Yahoo Answers...
Yahoo Answers. A place where people can ask questions and have the public answer them. Pretty simple. Unless you're these people...

Also, GiveUpInternet.com is pretty awesome as well. Check it out for many more humorous pictures.
May 20, 2009
Stack 'Em High...
Microsoft Finally Get's Real...
Alright, so this isn't really Microsoft talking, but it is a Microsoft video, in which they give hope to a future that will never exist (meaning gadget future, not an apocalyptic one). It's simply daubed over to make sure things are a little clearer...
From Engadget.com
From Engadget.com
May 15, 2009
It's Like Art and a Videogame Had a Kid...
I love indie games. They always take the risk, try something new, explore new ideas. Here is another shining example. It's called Windowsill, and it is one of the artsiest games I've played yet. This game is best described as just a mindless puzzle game, with loads of quirks and twists. It has a small download footprint (about 4 Mbs) and runs all within itself. It does require the latest version of Adobe Flash, though. The free version only has half of the levels, but for a measly 3 dollars, you can own all the pastel goodness.
May 14, 2009
Glad to See Their Time Was Spent Well...
This is another winner of the "I could of been doing so much more with my time, but wound up doing something pointless like this" award. I do have to admit, though, it is a neat idea/video. This was done by a group of Polish students. Check the link for more info.
From Engadget.com
From Engadget.com
May 13, 2009
"It's Like I'm Really There..."
Haven't you always wanted to climb Mt. Everest? But what's that, it's to expensive? You don't have the time? You've grown too weak being captive to the addicting glow of the internet? It's okay my friend, now you can view gorges panorama pictures of not only Mt. Everest, but anywhere* else in the world! Enjoy spinning around in one place like a fool.
May 12, 2009
Mozilla Prism
Here is a neat little plug-in (or external program) that will allow you to save URLs and open them in a stream lined browser. Although it's still in beta, it has a lot of potential. Video and link below explains more.
May 10, 2009
With the recent release of the new Star Trek movie, an alternative ending to Back to the Future has been discovered...
Nifftify Facebook!
We've all seen the comments about "Re-post this 10 times and your wallpaper will change" or "Click 100 times and unicorns will fill your screen" that don't result in anything but just making you feel like a fool for trying, but Facebook is taking a different approach to this idea. If you go to your Facebook page and enter the old-school Contra code "Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Enter" and then click anywhere on the screen, something dubbed "lens-flair" will occur. It's a neat little Easter egg with little use other than freaking out your friends.
From TechCrunch.com
Also, over 300 hits in 24 hours. Man, I love you guys.

Also, over 300 hits in 24 hours. Man, I love you guys.
May 8, 2009
Not Too Notable...
I thought I'd throw these up here. These videos will probably only be truly appreciated by the hot blooded nerds, but the rest of you are welcome to feast your eyes on the 'perrdy' pixels, anyways. As always, HD is a must.
From Engadget.com
From Engadget.com
From Engadget.com
From Engadget.com
May 7, 2009
Turn Any Video Into an Acid Trip...
Basically, this site works by having a user (that's you) input a video URL (http://www.jesterisyourking.com) from YouTube, and then it trippifyes it to the max! It's a neat idea. Unfortunately, without getting to complicated here, some of the new videos won't work right due to YouTube's new anti-downloading codes. It's still a neat site, and can really breathe new life into some of the old classics. Check out the links below.
May 3, 2009
This is Why I Can't Get Anything Done...
I love these types of sites. This one is called Passive-Aggressive Notes, and is along the same style of sites like Icanhascheesburger and FailBlog. Filled with humorus notes and signs, it can sure waste a couple of hours. Link below.

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