September 20, 2009

Billards Ball + TV...

Makes this. It's awesome. Two of the best things in the world combined together into one glorious game table. This could have a lot of potential, too. With just some software, you could have almost any game projected onto the table surface. It's sort of like Microsoft Surface, but more fun. Enjoy...

September 18, 2009

Awesome Computer Cases...

See, most people don't consider us nerds to be artists, but we are. Nothing gives us a little geek-asim quite like building something that functional and totally awesome. Check out these creative computer case mods to get an idea...

Glad Someone Finally Graphed it All Out...

'tis true...


September 15, 2009

Suck It, MSPaint...

This should be filed under the "And instead of doing something useful with my time, I did this..." section. Basically, all of the photos below we're created entirely in Microsoft Excel. The amount of time it took to this is just ridiculous. It's still awesome, though...



I'd sign up for it...

Moar Robots...

I'm sort of on a kick, I guess...

August 28, 2009

LEGO's + Anything = Awesome...

In this case, it's movie posters...

Everything I Know about Computers I Learned in the Movies

Word processors never display a cursor.

It is unnecessary to use the spacebar when typing long sentences.

No one ever makes typing errors.

All monitors display 2-inch-high letters.

The high-tech computers used by NASA, the CIA, or other governmental agencies, have easy-to-understand graphic interfaces. Those without have incredibly powerful, text-based command lines that understand plain English. Corollary: Anyone can access any information by simply typing "Access all secret files" on any keyboard.

You can infect a computer with a destructive virus by simply typing "Upload virus." Just as they do in humans, viruses raise a computer's temperature. Soon smoke will billow out of disk drives and monitors.

All computers are connected.

You can access information on any desktop computer, even when it's turned off.

Powerful computers beep whenever you press a key or whenever the screen changes. Some computers also slow down the screen output to reading speed. Really advanced ones emulate the sound of a dot-matrix printer as characters appear on-screen.

All computer panels have thousands of volts and flash pots just beneath their surface. Malfunctions are always indicated by bright flashes, puffs of smoke, showers of sparks, and explosions that throws people backwards.

After typing on a computer, you may safely turn it off without saving the data, naming the file, or specifying its location.

Hackers can easily break into the most sensitive computers before intermission. They only need a few tries to guess secret passwords.

Any "Permission Denied" message has an "Override" function.

Computers take approximately two seconds to boot up.

Complex calculations and uploading or downloading huge amounts of data take about three seconds. Movie modems transmit data at about two gigabytes per second.

When the power plant/missile site/main computer overheats, all the control panels explode shortly before the entire building does.

If you display a file on the screen and someone deletes the file, it also disappears from the screen. There are no backup files. There is no undelete.

All computers interface with all other computers regardless of manufacturer or galaxy of origin.

All computer disks are readable by all computer systems.

All computers can use any application software.

You are asked for a password when you just look at a disk containing encrypted files.

The more high-tech the equipment, the more buttons it needs.

Operators of high-tech computers must be highly trained because the only labeled button reads, "Self Destruct."

Most computers, no matter how small, have reality-defying, three-dimensional, real-time, photo-realistic, animated graphics capability.

Laptops all have real-time videophone capabilities and the performance of a CRAY-MP.

Whenever characters look at monitors, the image is so bright that it projects itself onto their face.

Computers never crash during important, high-intensity activities. Humans operating computers under stress never make mistakes.

Programs are fiendishly perfect and never have bugs that slow down users.

Internet searches always return what you seek no matter how vague your keywords.

All photographs can be enhanced simply by pulling minute details out of the grain. You can zoom into any picture as far as you want. "What's that fuzzy thing in the corner? Enhance." "Look! It's the murder weapon!"


Art or Porn...

... you decided. I'm too busy hitting replay.

"That'll Teach Her to Break Your Heart..."

August 23, 2009

If I Die By A Robot's Hand...

...I want to get killed by this hand...

August 20, 2009

Photobombers, Part II

If you missed the first post of this, or if you wanted more, here is a site dedicated to photos of people ruining other peoples precious memories...

Telemarketer Calls; Hilarity Ensues

Hey, I haven't posted in a while, but I have an excuse this time. I moved to college. Now that things have settled down and I get back into the grove of things, though, I'll post more regularly. Now enough about me, here's what you really came for...

August 5, 2009

Girl vs. Bus Roof...

I'm tired. Just watch the video and come up with something creative yourself. If you really think you came up with something creative, post it in the comments section for the world to laugh at your lame one-liner...

Also, Disney has managed to ruin Star Wars for me, or at least, any hope of me seeing a musical version of it...

July 29, 2009

"But Can She Cook?"

So animation is pretty cool. 'Cept there's just one little problem, animating humans, especially their faces, is extremely time consuming and tricky. It can take days or even weeks to animate simple facial movements, and not have them come out looking stiffer than a board. ImageMetrics is hoping to fix that with their new technology, called LifeLike animation (which coincidentally is one of the most creative names I've heard of). Check out the video after the break. It's not perfect, but it's pretty close.

July 28, 2009

The Website is Down...

This site is awesome. These words alone can't due it justice. I'm sorry I haven't posted this sooner, but I just re-discovered it while digging through my many bookmarks. Check out the site for the rest of the awesome sauce, plus there are quite a few Easter Eggs to be had. Enjoy...

July 27, 2009

Piano Man...

So this isn't like what I normally post, but damn, this man sure knows how to get jiggy with it...

Famous Facebooks...

Celebrities. How we love to live vicariously through them. Now it's even easier to imagine we're someone important with this collection of fake Facebook pages...

July 23, 2009

"Speak Up..."

This is a animated GIF of a x-rayed person speaking...

Olden, But Golden...

Call me nostalgic, but it brings a tear to my eye every time I hear that familiar dial-up screech that I used to have to wait through just to check my e-mail. Here is a another 99 things that you may remember from your past...

I Can See You!

Photoshop For Free!

We all love Adobe's little cash printing program, Photoshop. It allows us to such marvelous things like crop out that creepy uncle in an otherwise perfect family photo, to draw a mustache on your boss, or to add a caption to a seemingly normal picture of your cat and create an internet phenomenon. But let's say you don't have any money to get Photoshop, and that new cult you just joined forbids you from using Paint*? Well don't freat, because Adobe has a soulution. They have put a stripped down version of Photoshop online for all to use. Simply make up some false information about yourself, and you're off to the next graphical masterpeice!


*I would have also accepted GIMP, Seashore, and finger painting.

July 21, 2009

I Haven't Posted In Forevar...

...but let's just play a little game, shall we? Close your eyes. Now open them again*. Ta da! A new post! It's like I haven't posted in over a month at all!

This is a neat video I found that helps you grasp the concept of how much a trillion is...

*And just how did you read this if your eyes were closed?

June 24, 2009

It Seemed a Good Idea At the Time...

I would really like to know what was going through these people's heads when they got these crazy tattoos...

June 15, 2009

Teach Your Child and Scar Them All At Once...

Well done, internet, you have once again proved that you are the weirdest thing on this planet. Here's a cookie...

June 14, 2009

Optical Illusion...

Found this on a friend's Facebook. Made me chuckle...

May 26, 2009

Ooo... This is Awkward...

Family's and photos. They mix like oil and water. Add a dash of poses, and you get this: a collection of awkward family portraits. It's not stellar, but it's a good way to kill a few minutes...

Yahoo Answers...

Yahoo Answers. A place where people can ask questions and have the public answer them. Pretty simple. Unless you're these people...


Also, is pretty awesome as well. Check it out for many more humorous pictures.

May 20, 2009

Stack 'Em High...

Stack the blocks. Jam to the music. ... That's pretty much it. Be careful, though, it's addicting...

Microsoft Finally Get's Real...

Alright, so this isn't really Microsoft talking, but it is a Microsoft video, in which they give hope to a future that will never exist (meaning gadget future, not an apocalyptic one). It's simply daubed over to make sure things are a little clearer...


May 15, 2009

It's About Time Disney Admits It...

We all knew this was going on behind the scenes, but this finally proves it...


It's Like Art and a Videogame Had a Kid...

I love indie games. They always take the risk, try something new, explore new ideas. Here is another shining example. It's called Windowsill, and it is one of the artsiest games I've played yet. This game is best described as just a mindless puzzle game, with loads of quirks and twists. It has a small download footprint (about 4 Mbs) and runs all within itself. It does require the latest version of Adobe Flash, though. The free version only has half of the levels, but for a measly 3 dollars, you can own all the pastel goodness.

May 14, 2009

Glad to See Their Time Was Spent Well...

This is another winner of the "I could of been doing so much more with my time, but wound up doing something pointless like this" award. I do have to admit, though, it is a neat idea/video. This was done by a group of Polish students. Check the link for more info.


May 13, 2009

"It's Like I'm Really There..."

Haven't you always wanted to climb Mt. Everest? But what's that, it's to expensive? You don't have the time? You've grown too weak being captive to the addicting glow of the internet? It's okay my friend, now you can view gorges panorama pictures of not only Mt. Everest, but anywhere* else in the world! Enjoy spinning around in one place like a fool.

*As long as it's one of the 20 choices.

May 12, 2009

Mozilla Prism

Here is a neat little plug-in (or external program) that will allow you to save URLs and open them in a stream lined browser. Although it's still in beta, it has a lot of potential. Video and link below explains more.

May 10, 2009


With the recent release of the new Star Trek movie, an alternative ending to Back to the Future has been discovered...

Nifftify Facebook!

We've all seen the comments about "Re-post this 10 times and your wallpaper will change" or "Click 100 times and unicorns will fill your screen" that don't result in anything but just making you feel like a fool for trying, but Facebook is taking a different approach to this idea. If you go to your Facebook page and enter the old-school Contra code "Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Enter" and then click anywhere on the screen, something dubbed "lens-flair" will occur. It's a neat little Easter egg with little use other than freaking out your friends.


Also, over 300 hits in 24 hours. Man, I love you guys.

May 8, 2009

Not Too Notable...

I thought I'd throw these up here. These videos will probably only be truly appreciated by the hot blooded nerds, but the rest of you are welcome to feast your eyes on the 'perrdy' pixels, anyways. As always, HD is a must.



May 7, 2009

Turn Any Video Into an Acid Trip...

Basically, this site works by having a user (that's you) input a video URL ( from YouTube, and then it trippifyes it to the max! It's a neat idea. Unfortunately, without getting to complicated here, some of the new videos won't work right due to YouTube's new anti-downloading codes. It's still a neat site, and can really breathe new life into some of the old classics. Check out the links below.

May 3, 2009

This is Why I Can't Get Anything Done...

I love these types of sites. This one is called Passive-Aggressive Notes, and is along the same style of sites like Icanhascheesburger and FailBlog. Filled with humorus notes and signs, it can sure waste a couple of hours. Link below.

April 30, 2009

If Only It Was That Easy...

I've been exposing myself to radioactivity to try to get mutant powers for at least once a day for about three years now, and I'll I've gotten was stomach cramps and a glowing tongue...

April 28, 2009

That'll Get the Ladys...

Maybe I'm a horrible person, but I laughed almost throughout this whole video. Maybe it was just the guys face when he was singing, or that at one point I swear he chants "...we're heading for penis... penis...", or maybe it's just because he not only spent the time building this contraption, but actually learning to play it. Whatever the reason, I tip my hat to this young go-getter, and it's quite a catchy song to boot. Enjoy.

Also, as a special bonus, I'm going to include this. It has almost nothing to do with the video above, except a 15 second clip at the end briefly including the mad kazoo-whatever player. I chuckled heartily a few times, though. This guy has a whole series, so check them all out.

April 25, 2009

If You Only Go To One Site Today...

...Then you've already wasted your one site by going to this blog, but tomorrow, go to this site below. It is one of the trippiest and best built sites I have ever seen on the vast interwebs. Let me give you a small sample, within five minutes of being on the site, you get to witness a talking toolbox insult a squirrel with various magnification items inside of its body. It only gets better from there. Enjoy.

April 23, 2009

Insert Testicle Joke Here...

Take your pick: "This guy sure knows how to play from the balls!", "This man sure has balls!", "This guy can sure handle his balls well!", "I wish I had balling skills like this!". You get the idea...

April 21, 2009

New Friends, Hurray!

What's that? Feeling alone? Like no one will talk to you? Well, have I got the solution for you! It's called the internet! In fact, it's called Omegle, a site that will let you, anomalously, talk to people all over the world! It's one of the simplest sites to use, too. Just go to the site, and start talking to random strangers. This site is great if you want to improve your typing skills, meet new people, or just vent and scream at someone for no good reason other than you having a bad day. Enjoy.

April 19, 2009

Shave and A Hair Cut...

This is one of the coolest audio tricks I've heard in awhile. There is only one requirement, you must wear headphones. Also, I would advise wearing a shirt that you don't mind getting hair on.

Note: For you patient readers, I would advise downloading the MP3 version below instead of using YouTube, as it is much better quality and adds to the immersiveness.

-MP3 Download-
(To save MP3 in Firefox, just click on "File" and choose "Save Page As..."
In Internet Explorer, download Firefox and see above.)

How Far Can You Go...

There are several variations of this neat audio trick, but I've listed two of my favorites. Check them out to have your mind, or ears, blown away.

April 18, 2009

Whoa, Slow Down There, Speedy...

At nearly 1000 FPS, this video taken from a rugby game in France is one truly amazing video. For maximum awesomeness, jump to 0:49. Enjoy.

Note: HD is a must. Unfortunately, Vimeo's embedded player won't let you stream HD vids, so you'll have to check you the link below for all the high pixilated glory.

April 14, 2009

Take That, Fingerpainting!

I'm sure at one time or another, we've all wanted to fill our Supersoakers with paint and create our own masterpieces. Now, whether or not you actually went through with it or not, here is a nifty game to help simulate your wild paint-slinging adventures. Tag: The Power of Paint is another wonderful creation from the guys over at DigiPen (the masterminds behind the ever-popular Portal). The premise is you run around, filling the monotone world with paint and joy. It is unfortunately not an "in-browser" game, but come on, we're all big boys and girls here. We can certainly handle a little download and install. It's quite a novel game and worth the effort. Enjoy.

April 12, 2009

The Next Olympic Sport...

You heard it here first, folks, this will become the next phenomenon. It may not make it into the Vancouver '10 games, but I'm sure it will be a big smash at London '12.

April 2, 2009

Visit 1996 Without Ever Leaving Your Browser!

Who doesn't love video games? And who doesn't love free things? Well, what if you combine both of these wonderful things? If you said a browser based FPS from one of the most popular games in '96, then you have a uncanny nack for answering questions asked on blogs.

As you may or may not of heard, but id is developing the very popular Quake to run completely in-browser. Now, while it is still in beta, it is quite an excellent time waster. Enjoy fragging random people in China instead of working or paying attention in class. Link below.

March 29, 2009

Now You Have No Excuse...

It's pretty self explanatory, people. Overhand = Good. Underhand = God kills a kitten. Get it right. Link for the ones who need more details.

March 24, 2009

It's Like Looking Out A Window...

CryENGINE 3. It's prettier than rubbing diamonds into your eye's. Even though it's still in beta, it's the best looking engine to date. You have to see it to believe.

March 21, 2009

It's A Small World...

This is completely real life. Keith Loutit, the creator of this video, uses a new video technique to make normal everyday scenes look miniature. It's pretty freaking awesome. Link after video.

March 17, 2009

PG Porn: Helpful Bus

So the premise is everything people like about porn flicks, but without the sex. In a nut shell, porn that's PG (although a few could get away with PG-13). This one is by far the best. Link to the rest...

March 16, 2009

39 Creative Lego Advertisements

If you're one of my loyal zombie followers, you should know by now that I love Lego's. So when I saw these 39 awesome ad's involving my favorite little plastic bricks, I was over come by glee. Enjoy.

March 15, 2009

Location, Location, Location...

Humors photos + unusual angles = hilarity. Follow the link to the rest:

March 9, 2009

32 Songs in 8 Minutes

One of the best videos I've seen in a long time...

February 13, 2009

Come Get Some, Monkeys!

We all know that monkeys are adorable. The way they jump around and hold things with their feet. It's just so sweet. We also know that they are plotting a massive uprising to try to take over the planet and teach us humans a lesson. When it happens, how many monkeys will you be able to teach their place? Take this quiz and find out.

Between 250 and 350 monkeys

I'm most like Between 250 and 300 monkeys.

February 12, 2009

Best. Cards. Evar.

If I had a rad detector right now, it would be exploding with the awesome beams emitting from these cards right now. Check the link to see the rest.

Rubik Cube's To The Max!

Don't know if this is a homemade mod, or a real consumer device, but ether way, I want one...

Also, the embedded player seems to be a little flaky, so here is a link to the original YouTube page.

February 4, 2009


So at first, I thought this was a serious video...

February 3, 2009

Video Extravaganza!

I'm just going to post a lot of video's for lack of anything better to say. Enjoy!

These videos are from one of my favorite video series. Although, I think the only videos out in the series right now are posted below. Hopefully, they'll make more soon...

February 1, 2009

I Ain't Got No Moneys For Games...

What's that, the economy's got you pining for games? Re-played the same few titles you have hundreds of times? Well, just download these free games to satisfy that entertainment craving! This is a list of games that have been licensed for freeware. They have a couple of good ones, like the F.E.A.R. multilayer and Marathon, which was one of the first FPS's by Bungie. Check it out, it's pretty rad.

January 31, 2009

They Speak The Truth...

I'm not sure if this is the official music video, but it's a pretty catchy song. Well, until they break out the auto-tuner...

So I Haven't Posted In a While...

I've just been busy. Lately, I've been trying to build my own server, so I don't have to deal with Blogger's bulls***. It's slow going though.

Because of the lack of posting, here are a few goodies to tide you over until my next post.

I think this movie clip has been redubed more times then any other...

So, for all of you who didn't spend all of your money on Philippino hookers and drugs and bought Portal instead, now you have a special treat! There is a mod called Portal: Prelude, and it picks up the story a few years before the official game does. Just download the file and install to have a whole new plethora of levels and witty diologe.


This is last, but not least. This is a YouTube video where you can actually play Street Fighter. Simply start the video, and click on the buttons, and you can play a whole round of Street Fighter. It's pretty neat, although not all that useful. It does re-direct you to a new page with every click, so it's doesn't get really intense. It's still a neat concept, though.

January 22, 2009

New Template!

Hurray, I did something! Gold star for me.

But seriously, I was getting sick the the gray and red. What I really would like is a WordPress blog, as I like their look the best, but they only support YouTube video embedding, which sucks. Oh well, this will do for now...

January 12, 2009

Evolution to Dance 2

A follow up to one of YouTube's most popular video.

Here is the original:

Quantum Physics, Hurray!

It's pretty cool the way matter works. There's a whole series like this, too. Check 'em out:

January 11, 2009

Draw Your Way To Fun!

I mean really? What is more fun then Crayolas and physics? Again, it's a download game, but this one is worth it, too. To bad it's only a demo...

January 8, 2009

Windows 7 Beta; Nerd's Christmas Come Late

I'm not sure if you've heard of a little company called Windows, but they're in the business of making operating systems, and it looks like they're prepping their newest version, Windows 7, for beta release January 9. Windows 7 will offer improved performance, interface, and stability, although, I'm pretty sure they said the exact same thing about Vista, and we all know how that turned out. So, I don't know about you, but I'll sure have my torrents fired up waiting for it to hit the interwebs.


Windows 7 Official Site

Windows 7 Performance

January 6, 2009

Best. Laptop. Ever.

I love the guys over at The Onion. They sure have a knack of sticking it to a multi-billion dollar company. I'm sure it's not going to take long for someone to really make on of these...

January 5, 2009

January 4, 2009

I'm Not Dead...

Just got lazy over the holidays. I'll try to post more regularly (like you haven't heard that before). So for now, here's a video that I found quite comical.