June 30, 2008

New Math

This guy is a freaking genius. He has a whole series, and they're all worth checking out.

Dodge Orange

Okay, I started to work on this map a while ago. I released just a test map to see how it would handle with a bunch of people playing. Also, it allowed me to see some of the problems that may arise, because I had never played on a type of map like such. Then for a while, I kind of forgot about it. Now, due to popular demand, I decided to pick it back up. It's really mostly done. I just have to arrange the different levels and tweak the bugs a little. So that looks like the next map thats going to come out, as the outcome of the porn map is kind of looking bleak.

June 28, 2008

Poll Results

Alright, the poll results are in. And its clear who the winner is. The problem is, the logistics of a map with almost all custom textures is that the file size is going to be astronomical. I ran a few test, and with only about ten custom textures, the map size almost doubled. So it's going to be tricky as to how to incorporate almost five times that amount of textures. I'll keep working at it, but be warned, this may not be possible, or something worth while if the player has to wait 20 minutes to download the map.

June 25, 2008

Looks Like MTV Is Running Our Of Celebs

"Man, Buffy says he got art, but he don't got art like this!"

P.S. Gold shopping carts FTW.

Thats Going To Be A Awkward Conversation Around The Dinner Table Tonight

Just wait 'till the end

Beaker FTW!

I never knew he had it in him.

She Has a Boyfriend

Normally, I don't get British humor, but this is really funny.

News Casters Losing It

The lady with the cereal at the end is the best.

If Kurt Cobain Had Been Hawaiian...And British

Time to brush off that grass skirt and lea...and start head banging

Someone Had Too Much Time...

Attention customers!


That is all.

P.S. This guy had a lot of time too:

Got the Tube Thing Working

Yeah, don't know if I have to really elaborate here. I got the tube thing working so that it spins around. I just have to fix a few bugs (like right now, if you get caught somewhere that causes the tube to stop spinning, it kills you. Now, thats not such a bad thing. It stops people form using exploits, the problem is that it can sometimes kill you for no reason, and it really sucks.)

Also, I've been collecting porn for a little while now to use in the porno map. So, if you want to see your special beauty in the map, put it in comments or post it here.

I got nothing else to say, except Ima try to get back into the swing of things a start to produce more maps. Its been awhile since my last map and people are starting to forget my name.

June 23, 2008

Nothing New

I haven't posted in a while. Mainly 'cause I don't have any thing to say. I did start on a new map. Well, played around with a new type of map. I was going for a big tube that turned and players fought inside of it. I'm playing around with getting the tube to turn right.

Although, I probably will make the porno map first, 'cause thats the way the poll is turning out. Its a close vote, but I think porn won. So, if you guys have any pics that you want me to post in the map, throw them up here (and by here, I mean comments).

Also, I have no idea how the porno map is going to be laid out as. It can't be to difficult/complex, because the players are going to have a long download time with all the textures anyways. But I want it to be interesting, not just a big room with boobs everywhere (although, thats not such a bad thing). So, we'll see. I'll figure out something...

*Psst!* This is when you step in with suggestions.

June 20, 2008

Learn How To Do Anything

I've known about this site for a long time. Its a neat little place to kill some time. And as a bonus, you might actually learn something. So I thought I'd throw it up here.


Basically, think of it as YouTube for how-to videos. If you can think of something that can be taught, then they have it. In 15 minutes, I learned some public speaking tips, how to outwit carnies, and the quickest way to put on a condom.


I don't even know what to say...

Old Ladys Fighting

In Russia, old lady's beat you!!

June 19, 2008

Optical Illusion Dragon

It took me a moment to get it.


I just noticed that Caged linked here from the SNiGS Official Site. I was noticing that I was getting a lot more hits that usual. I just thought that some major porn site had shut down and people were getting misdirected here. That, or I had a stalker...

I Added a Poll

Hey, in case your blind, or just don't like looking around a web page, I added a poll to the right of the blog. Go there and vote. Now.

New Pyro Achievements

The new pyro achievements came out today. I wasn't as excited about them as I was with the medic because I never play as a pyro. One neat thing is that they made it so that you don't have to get every achievement to get all the new weapons. I'm not sure how I feel about this, because on the one hand, I won't farm all the achievements and actually get them in a real game like they were intended. But on the other hand, I will feel in-superior to the other players if I don't have all the achievements or just plain annoyed that I don't have them all. Oh well, it's really not that important. After awhile you have to sit back and realize that it's all just a game meant to entertain the player.

June 18, 2008

Hahaha, Now This is What I'm Talking About!

Totally awesome!

This one is good too.

Wow, What a Lack of Posts

Wow, I just realized that I never posted through the whole month of May. Not that it matters. Or that I really needed to make a post about it. It's just another place where you can leave your thoughts and opinions. To bad there isn't a easy and affective way to display your thoughts in sentence form. If only there was a way...

Oh, and just in case you didn't catch that desperate cry for attention, leave a comment.

And if you are reading this sentence, you are legally bound to leave a comment.

And I am really tired, and will probably delete this post in the morning.

Getting Back into the Swing of Things

I haven't made a map in a while (like almost a month) cause Ive been crazy busy, so Ima try to be more productive than sitting around all day looking at por- er, I mean...working... If you guys have any suggestions for maps, I don't mind. Mainly, I'm just doing this for the comments. Yes, I care that much about comments.

A few ideas I have:

1. A follow up to that crappy sniper map I made.

2. A CP or CTF type map where you play in a giant spinning tube.

3. Melee Volcano V3

4. A map with nothing but porn textures (this one is always popular).

5. What ever the hell I slap together one night in a sleepy stupor.

SPORE Creature Creator Out

SPORE's Creator is out and in the wild. Unless you've been living in a cave, on Mars, with you eyes shut and your fingers in your ears, you've probably heard about Will Right's new sim game called SPORE. The game lets you play god in all the normal ways that you'd expect, with one twist. It lets you create you animals from scratch. To help fanboys cope with the wait, they have released a new demo allowing you to make your creatures. Prepare to see some really messed up things.

I personally am on a quest to make a boob like creature. Wish me luck!


Haven't Posted in a While

Hey guys,

I haven't posted in a while, as the title says. I'll try to get back in to the swing of things and update this thing more often.

Goal - 1 post every two days.

We'll see how its goes.

Also, I really appreciate comments. It lets me know that some one is really reading this thing, and I'm not just doing this for a ego boost.